Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I am sick AGAIN. I was at work yesterday and I couldn't hardly talk. That makes it a little hard to answer the phone. The word was getting out that I couldn't talk so when one person called they just said, "Don't talk, just listen." I was given the information needed and we were on our way. I was able to use email where I would have normally just picked up the phone. My friend said that she was just filling in the blanks. I'm thinking that Greg is enjoying the peace and quiet. Just remember, I will get it back then watch out! Megan was showing some signs of the same thing so I took her to the Dr. today to see if we could head it off but no such luck. She talked like Megan and Seth will probably both get it that it was viral. She did give me information on how to help with the symptoms. Oh well, we are planning another weekend family outing in a couple of weeks. I'm just glad this happened now instead of then.

1 comment:

Karen Walden said...

Sorry you all are sick as well! At least it isn't this nasty stuff!