Sunday, March 16, 2008

Getting Ready For Easter I

Hey, you have one too. Is yours still breathing? I love this one of the kids. I usually take the kids 3 or 4 times a year to get their pics. I uaually spend too much money so I got the bright idea that since we have this new camera that I would try it on my own. I may end up getting them done depending on how much I can do on the computer to make them look good enough. The kids are great but my pic taking isn't the best.
Seth was not at all happy with the hat. We had to put it on and try to take the pic before he could get it off.
Ready, Set, Hop!
Very understanding rabbits. Thank you Stephanie for letting us use and abuse these poor things. They may never be the same. It's good advertisement. If they can live through Seth's treatment then I think you must have pretty strong rabbits.
Do you think we can sneak them in to Sunday School?

1 comment:

Eric said...

Sooooooo cute. he looks like Greg and she looks just like you. They are like a miniture greg and anna. hahaa.

p.s. can you email me daniel's phone number? email me at thanks