Monday, October 27, 2008

Conversation with a 4 year old

Last night I had a conversation with Megan. Check this out.......

Megan: "I like your skirt." (I had on a new outfit.)
Mommy: "Thank you."
Megan: "Where did you get it?"
Mommy: "Cato."
Megan: "Peebles doesn't have anything like that."
Mommy: "Your right about that. Would you like a skirt like this?"
Megan: "I saw one on eVay but I don't know if I'm going to get it or not." (That would be eBay.)

Our 4 year old is like talking to an adult sometimes. I love my kids! Seth has been throwing his arms wide open lately to let you know that he wants a big hug. How cute is that?!

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