Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Papaw's Truck

My dad has an old truck that he uses as a work/putt around truck. My kids love papaw's truck. If they get to ride somewhere in it, they love it. While I was getting ready for work this morning (about 4:15 am) Megan and Seth were both awake and talking about papaw's truck. Here is how the conversation went. You gotta love it!
Me: "Why do you like papaw's truck?"
Megan: "Because of the buttons next to the gear shift." (I'm thinking... "It's a 92 with not a lot of options so I doubt there would be too many buttons.")
Me: "What else do you like about it?"
Megan: "I like the way you turn the handle and the window goes down." (Ok, now I'm about to lose it.)
Megan: "I also like the color - red." By this time I can't get past the kid being impressed by crank down windows.


Michelle said...

HaHa! That's too funny! I bed my kids were be impressed too!

David and Terri said...

That is funny. It sure doesn't take much to impress them!